User roles
Kathrin Klemmer avatar
Written by Kathrin Klemmer
Updated over a week ago

There are three user roles available:

  • Learner

  • Trainer

  • Admin

Learner: By default, all user records are initially assigned to the Learner role. Users assigned a Learner only have access to the LMS to take assigned training and access User personal summary. Upon login, they bypass the user management page and land directly on the LMS home page.

Trainer: Users assigned a Trainer role have access to administrator functions in the LMS. They can enroll users in training, send one-time notifications, and access reporting functionality. Upon login, they bypass the user management page and land directly on the LMS home page, where they can also access their assigned training.

To assign a user a Trainer role, click the Standard Trainer checkbox in the Assign Role(s) section of the Create user page.

Admin: Users assigned an Admin role have access to all administrator functions. They can add and delete users, enroll users in training, send one-time notifications, and access reporting functionality. Upon login, they land on the Account/Users page. To access the LMS and the course management and reporting functions, click LMS in the top-line navigation bar.

To assign a user an Admin role, click the Grant admin access checkbox in the Admin access section of the Create user page.

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