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Send one-off email notifications
Michael Schiefer avatar
Written by Michael Schiefer
Updated over a week ago

When sending an email using the Send Email functionality the email will be sent from the email address associated with your admin account. If a user replies to the email, the response will be delivered to the email address associated with your admin account.

Accessing the Send Email functionality

To send a notification to a user or users, log in using your administrator credentials. Click the gear icon in the top right corner of the home page and navigate to the Admin Menu.

In the E-Learning section of the menu, select the Course Management subitem.

Here you will find all available courses.

Find the course for which you want to send an email. Click on the enrollment icon in the corresponding row.

This will bring you to the enrollments tab for that course. From here you can access the Send Email functionality.

Send an Email Notification to a Single User

Find the individual learner in the list on the enrollments tab. If there is a long list of users, try searching using the Search box. Then, click the ellipses in the row corresponding with the user.

Select Send Email from the drop-down menu.

Fill out the required fields and compose your message in the slideout panel. Click Submit to send your email.

Send an Email Notification to Multiple Users

From the Enrollments tab, find the users you want to send your notification to and click the checkbox in their corresponding row. If there is a long list of users, try searching using the Search box.

Note: When sending an email to multiple recipients from this page, it will be sent to all selected users, independent of their account status (active/deactivated) or enrollment status (incomplete/completed). If you select deactivated and/or completed users, the email will be sent to them as well.

Select Choose Action and then Send Email.

Fill out the required fields and compose your message in the slideout panel. Click Submit to send your email.

Email Shortcodes

Besides the recipient email and the body of the message, you can use the following shortcodes to automatically pull information from the system into your email. Here is a list of useful shortcodes:

  • [username] = username of the user

  • [first_name] = first name of the user (if set)

  • [last_name] = last name of the user (if set)

  • [email] = email name of the user (if set)

  • [course_code] = code of the course (if set)

  • [course_name] = title of the course

  • [course_description] = description of the course

  • [course_link] = links directly to the course when clicked

Reminder Notification Template

Below is a reminder template. This can be modified as necessary when sending notifications to users.

Subject: Reminder: Training Due Soon


Hello [first_name],

The following assigned training is due soon:


Please click the URL below to log in and complete your training:

If this is your first time logging in, or you’ve forgotten your password, please click the following URL:

Happy learning!

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